Intelligent Highway Vehicles:Vehicle Guidance and Navigation Systems

The combination of GPS (global positioning system) satellites, high-density computer storage of map data, electronic compass, synthetic speech synthesis, and computer-graphic displays allows cars and trucks to know where they are located on the Earth to within 100 m or less, and can guide a driver to a programmed destination by a combination of a map display and speech. Some human factor challenges are in deciding how to configure the map (how much detail to present, whether to make the map northup with a moving dot representing one’s own vehicle position or current-heading-up and rapidly changing with every turn). The computer graphics can also be used to show what turns to anticipate and which lane to get in. Synthetic speech can reinforce these turn anticipations, can caution the driver if he is perceived to be headed in the wrong direction or off course, and can even guide him or her how to get back on course. An interesting question is what the computer should say in each situation to get the driver’s attention, to be understood quickly and unambiguously but without being an annoyance. Another question is whether or not such systems will distract the driver’s attention from the primary tasks, thereby reducing safety. The major vehicle manufacturers have developed such systems, they have been evaluated for reliability and human use, and they are beginning to be marketed in the United States, Europe, and

Air Traffic Control

As demands for air travel continue to increase, so do demands for air traffic control. Given what are currently regarded as safe separation criteria, air space over major urban areas is already saturated, so that simply adding more airports is not acceptable (in addition to which residents do not want more airports, with their noise and surface traffic). The need is to reduce separations in the air, and to land aircraft closer together or on parallel runways simultaneously. This puts much greater demands on air traffic controllers, particularly at the terminal area radar control centers (TRACONs), where trained operators stare at blips on radar screens and verbally guide pilots entering the terminal airspace from various directions and altitudes into orderly descent and landing patterns with proper separation between aircraft.
Currently, many changes are being introduced into air traffic control which has profound implications for human-machine interaction. Where previously communication between pilots and air traffic controllers was entirely by voice, now digital communication between aircraft and ground (a system called datalink) allows both more and more reliable two-way communication, so that weather and runway and wind information, clearances, etc. can be displayed to pilots visually. But pilots are not so sure they want this additional technology. They fear the demise of the “party line” of voice communications with which they are so familiar and which permits all pilots in an area to listen in on each other’s conversations.
New aircraft-borne radars allow pilots to detect air traffic in their own vicinity. Improved ground based radars detect microbursts or wind shear which can easily put an aircraft out of control. Both types of radars pose challenges as to how best to warn the pilot and provide guidance as to how to respond.
But they also pose a cultural change in air traffic control, since heretofore pilots have been dependent upon air traffic controllers to advise them of weather conditions and other air traffic. Furthermore, because of the new weather and collision-avoidance technology, there are current plans for radically altering the rules whereby high-altitude commercial aircraft must stick to well-defined traffic lanes. Instead, pilots will have great flexibility as to altitude (to find the most favorable winds and therefore save fuel) and be able to take great-circle routes straight to their destinations (also saving fuel). However, air traffic controllers are not sure they want to give up the power they have had, becoming passive observers and monitors, to function only in emergencies.

Supervisory Control

Supervisory control may be defined by the analogy between a supervisor of subordinate staff in an organization of people and the human overseer of a modern computer-mediated semiautomatic control system. The supervisor gives human subordinates general instructions which they in turn may translate into action. The supervisor of a computer-controlled system does the same.
Defined strictly, supervisory control means that one or more human operators are setting initial conditions for, intermittently adjusting, and receiving high-level information from a computer that itself closes a control loop in a well-defined process through artificial sensors and effectors. For some time period the computer controls the process automatically.
By a less strict definition, supervisory control is used when a computer transforms human operator commands to generate detailed control actions, or makes significant transformations of measured data to produce integrated summary displays. In this latter case the computer need not have the capability to commit actions based upon new information from the environment, whereas in the first it necessarily must. The two situations may appear similar to the human supervisor, since the computer mediates both human outputs and human inputs, and the supervisor is thus removed from detailed events at the low level.

FIGURE 6.1.2Direct manual control-loop analysis.

Supervisory control system here the human operator issues commands to a human-interactive computer capable of understanding high-level language and providing integrated summary displays of process state information back to the operator. This computer, typically located in a control room or cockpit or office near to the supervisor, in turn communicates with at least one, and probably many (hence the dotted lines), task-interactive computers, located with the equipment they are controlling. The task-interactive computers thus receive subgoal and conditional branching information from the human-interactive computer. Using such information as reference inputs, the task-interactive computers serve to close low-level control loops between artificial sensors and mechanical actuators;i.e., they accomplish the low-level automatic control.
The low-level task typically operates at some physical distance from the human operator and his human-friendly display-control computer. Therefore, the communication channels between computers may be constrained by multiplexing, time delay, or limited bandwidth. The task-interactive computer, of course, sends analog control signals to and receives analog feedback signals from the controlled process, and the latter does the same with the environment as it operates (vehicles moving relative to air, sea, or earth, robots manipulating objects, process plants modifying products, etc.).
Supervisory command and feedback channels for process state information are shown in Figure 6.1.3 to pass through the left side of the human-interactive computer. On the right side are represented decisionaiding functions, with requests of the computer for advice and displayed output of advice (from a database, expert system, or simulation) to the operator. There are many new developments in computerbased decision aids for planning, editing, monitoring, and failure detection being used as an auxiliary part of operating dynamic systems. Reflection upon the nervous system of higher animals reveals a similar kind of supervisory control wherein commands are sent from the brain to local ganglia, and peripheral motor control loops are then closed locally through receptors in the muscles, tendons, or skin.
The brain, presumably, does higher-level planning based on its own stored data and “mental models,” an internalized expert system available to provide advice and permit trial responses before commitment to actual response.
Theorizing about supervisory control began as aircraft and spacecraft became partially automated. It became evident that the human operator was being replaced by the computer for direct control responsibility, and was moving to a new role of monitor and goal-constraint setter. An added incentive was the U.S. space program, which posed the problem of how a human operator on Earth could control a manipulator arm or vehicle on the moon through a 3-sec communication round-trip time delay. The only solution which avoided instability was to make the operator a supervisory controller communicating intermittently with a computer on the moon, which in turn closed the control loop there. The rapid development of microcomputers has forced a transition from manual control to supervisory control in a variety of industrial and military applications (Sheridan, 1992).
Let us now consider some examples of human-machine interaction, particularly those which illustrate supervisory control in its various forms. First, we consider three forms of vehicle control, namely, control of modern aircraft, “intelligent” highway vehicles, and high-speed trains, all of which have both human operators in the vehicles as well as humans in centralized traffic-control centers. Second, we consider telerobots for space, undersea, and medical applications.

Direct Manual Control

In the 1940s aircraft designers appreciated the need to characterize the transfer function of the human pilot in terms of a differential equation. Indeed, this is necessary for any vehicle or controlled physical process for which the human is the controller, see Figure 6.1.2. In this case both the human operator H and the physical process P lie in the closed loop (where H and P are Laplace transforms of the component transfer functions), and the HP combination determines whether the closed-loop is inherently stable (i.e., the closed loop characteristic equation 1+HP = 0 has only negative real roots).
In addition to the stability criterion are the criteria of rapid response of process state x to a desired or reference state r with minimum overshoot, zero “steady-state error” between r and output x, and reduction to near zero of the effects of any disturbance input d. (The latter effects are determined by the closed-loop transfer functions x=HP/(1+ HP)r+ 1/(1+ HP)d
, where if the magnitude of
H is large enough
HP /(1+ HP) approaches unity and 1/(1+ HP) approaches 0. Unhappily, there are ingredients of
H which produce delays in combination with magnitude and thereby can cause instability.
Therefore, H must be chosen carefully by the human for any given P.)
Research to characterize the pilot in these terms resulted in the discovery that the human adapts to a wide variety of physical processes so as to make HP=K(1/s)(esT). In other words, the human adjusts H to make
HP constant. The term K is an overall amplitude or gain, (1/ s) is the Laplace transform of an integrator, and ( e-sT) is a delay T long (the latter time delay being an unavoidable property of the nervous system). Parameters
K and T vary modestly in a predictable way as a function of the physical process and the input to the control system. This model is now widely accepted and used, not only in engineering aircraft control systems, but also in designing automobiles, ships, nuclear and chemical plants, and a host of other dynamic systemsŲ²

Human-Machine Interaction

Over the years machines of all kinds have been improved and made more reliable. However, machines typically operate as components of larger systems, such as transportation systems, communication systems, manufacturing systems, defense systems, health care systems, and so on. While many aspects of such systems can be and have been automated, the human operator is retained in many cases. This may be because of economics, tradition, cost, or (most likely) capabilities of the human to perceive patterns of information and weigh subtle factors in making control decisions which the machine cannot match.
Although the public as well as those responsible for system operation usually demand that there be a human operator, “human error” is a major reason for system failure. And aside from prevention of error, getting the best performance out of the system means that human and machine must be working together effectively — be properly “impedance matched.” Therefore, the performance capabilities of the human relative to those of the machine must be taken into account in system design.
Efforts to “optimize” the human-machine interaction are meaningless in the mathematical sense of optimization, since most important interactions between human and machine cannot be reduced to a mathematical form, and the objective function (defining what is good) is not easily obtained in any given context. For this reason, engineering the human-machine interaction, much as in management or medicine, remains an art more than a science, based on laboratory experiments and practical experience.
In the broadest sense, engineering the human-machine interface includes all of ergonomics or human factors engineering, and goes well beyond design of displays and control devices. Ergonomics includes not only questions of sensory physiology, whether or not the operator can see the displays or hear the auditory warnings, but also questions of biomechanics
, how the body moves, and whether or not the operator can reach and apply proper force to the controls. It further includes the fields of operator selection and training, human performance under stress, human factors in maintenance, and many other aspects of the relation of the human to technology. This section focuses primarily on human-machine interaction in control of systems.
The human-machine interactions in control are considered in terms of Figure 6.1.1. In Figure 6.1.1a the human directly controls the machine; i.e., the control loop to the machine is closed through the physical sensors, displays, human senses (visual, auditory, tactile), brain, human muscles, control devices, and machine actuators. Figure 6.1.1b illustrates what has come to be called a supervisory control system , wherein the human intermittently instructs a computer as to goals, constraints, and procedures, then turns a task over to the computer to perform automatic control for some period of time.

Displays and control devices can be analogic (movement signal directions and extent of control action, isomorphic with the world, such as an automobile steering wheel or computer mouse controls, or a moving needle or pictorial display element). Or they can be symbolic (dedicated buttons or generalpurpose keyboard controls, icons, or alarm light displays). In normal human discourse we use both speech (symbolic) and gestures (analogic) and on paper we write alphanumeric text (symbolic) and draw pictures (analogic). The system designer must decide which type of displays or controls best suits a particular application, and/or what mix to use. The designer must be aware of important criteria such as whether or not, for a proposed design, changes in the displays and controls caused by the human operator correspond in a natural and common-sense way to “more” or “less” of some variable as expected by that operator and correspond to cultural norms (such as reading from left to right in western countries), and whether or not the movement of the display elements correspond geometrically to movements of the controls.

Guidelines for Improving Thermodynamic Effectiveness

Thermal design frequently aims at the most effective system from the cost viewpoint. Still, in the cost optimization process, particularly of complex energy systems, it is often expedient to begin by identifying a design that is nearly optimal thermodynamically; such a design can then be used as a point of departure for cost optimization. Presented in this section are guidelines for improving the use of fuels (natural gas, oil, and coal) by reducing sources of thermodynamic inefficiency in thermal systems. Further discussion is provided by Bejan et al. (1996).
To improve thermodynamic effectiveness it is necessary to deal directly with inefficiencies related to exergy destruction and exergy loss. The primary contributors to exergy destruction are chemical reaction, heat transfer, mixing, and friction, including unrestrained expansions of gases and liquids. To deal with them effectively, the principal sources of inefficiency not only should be understood qualitatively, but also determined quantitatively, at least approximately. Design changes to improve effectiveness must be done judiciously, however, for the cost associated with different sources of inefficiency can be different.
For example, the unit cost of the electrical or mechanical power required to provide for the exergy destroyed owing to a pressure drop is generally higher than the unit cost of the fuel required for the
exergy destruction caused by combustion or heat transfer.
Since chemical reaction is a significant source of thermodynamic inefficiency, it is generally good practice to minimize the use of combustion. In many applications the use of combustion equipment such as boilers is unavoidable, however. In these cases a significant reduction in the combustion irreversibility by conventional means simply cannot be expected, for the major part of the exergy destruction introduced by combustion is an inevitable consequence of incorporating such equipment. Still, the exergy destruction in practical combustion systems can be reduced by minimizing the use of excess air and by preheating the reactants. In most cases only a small part of the exergy destruction in a combustion chamber can be avoided by these means. Consequently, after considering such options for reducing the exergy destruction related to combustion, efforts to improve thermodynamic performance should focus on components of the overall system that are more amenable to betterment by cost-effective conventional measures. In other words, some exergy destructions and energy losses can be avoided, others cannot. Efforts should be centered on those that can be avoided.
Nonidealities associated with heat transfer also typically contribute heavily to inefficiency. Accordingly, unnecessary or cost-ineffective heat transfer must be avoided. Additional guidelines follow:

• The higher the temperature T at which a heat transfer occurs in cases where T > T0 , where T0 denotes the temperature of the environment (Section 2.5), the more valuable the heat transfer and, consequently, the greater the need to avoid heat transfer to the ambient, to cooling water, or to a refrigerated stream. Heat transfer across
T0 should be avoided.

• The lower the temperature T at which a heat transfer occurs in cases where T < T0 , the more valuable the heat transfer and, consequently, the greater the need to avoid direct heat transfer with the ambient or a heated stream.

• Since exergy destruction associated with heat transfer between streams varies inversely with the temperature level, the lower the temperature level, the greater the need to minimize the streamto-stream temperature difference.

• Avoid the use of intermediate heat transfer fluids when exchanging energy by heat transfer between two streams
Although irreversibilities related to friction, unrestrained expansion, and mixing are often secondary in importance to those of combustion and heat transfer, they should not be overlooked, and the following guidelines apply:

• Relatively more attention should be paid to the design of the lower temperature stages of turbines and compressors (the last stages of turbines and the first stages of compressors) than to the remaining stages of these devices.

• For turbines, compressors, and motors, consider the most thermodynamically efficient options.

• Minimize the use of throttling; check whether power recovery expanders are a cost-effective alternative for pressure reduction.

• Avoid processes using excessively large thermodynamic driving forces (differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical composition). In particular, minimize the mixing of streams differing significantly in temperature, pressure, or chemical composition.

• The greater the mass rate of flow, the greater the need to use the exergy of the stream effectively.

• The lower the temperature level, the greater the need to minimize friction. Flowsheeting or process simulation software can assist efforts aimed at improving thermodynamic effectiveness by allowing engineers to readily model the behavior of an overall system, or system components, under specified conditions and do the required thermal analysis, sizing, costing, and optimization. Many of the more widely used flowsheeting programs: ASPEN PLUS, PROCESS, and
CHEMCAD are of the sequential-modular type. SPEEDUP is a popular program of the equation-solver type. Since process simulation is a rapidly evolving field, vendors should be contacted for up-to-date information concerning the features of flowsheeting software, including optimization capabilities (if any). As background for further investigation of suitable software, see Biegler (1989) for a survey of the capabilities of 15 software products.

Combustion in Internal Combustion Engine

In combustion reactions, rapid oxidation of combustible elements of the fuel results in energy release as combustion products are formed. The three major combustible chemical elements in most common fuels are carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur. Although sulfur is usually a relatively unimportant contributor to the energy released, it can be a significant cause of pollution and corrosion.
The emphasis in this section is on hydrocarbon fuels, which contain hydrogen, carbon, sulfur, and possibly other chemical substances. Hydrocarbon fuels may be liquids, gases, or solids such as coal.
Liquid hydrocarbon fuels are commonly derived from crude oil through distillation and cracking processes.
Examples are gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, and other types of fuel oils. The compositions of liquid fuels are commonly given in terms of mass fractions. For simplicity in combustion calculations, gasoline is often considered to be octane, C8H18, and diesel fuel is considered to be dodecane, C12H26.
Gaseous hydrocarbon fuels are obtained from natural gas wells or are produced in certain chemical processes. Natural gas normally consists of several different hydrocarbons, with the major constituent being methane, CH4. The compositions of gaseous fuels are commonly given in terms of mole fractions.
Both gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuels can be synthesized from coal, oil shale, and tar sands. The composition of coal varies considerably with the location from which it is mined. For combustion calculations, the makeup of coal is usually expressed as an ultimate analysis giving the composition on a mass basis in terms of the relative amounts of chemical elements (carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen) and ash. Coal combustion is considered further in Chapter 8, Energy Conversion.
A fuel is said to have burned completely if all of the carbon present in the fuel is burned to carbon dioxide, all of the hydrogen is burned to water, and all of the sulfur is burned to sulfur dioxide. In practice, these conditions are usually not fulfilled and combustion is incomplete. The presence of carbon monoxide (CO) in the products indicates incomplete combustion. The products of combustion of actual combustion reactions and the relative amounts of the products can be determined with certainty only by experimental means. Among several devices for the experimental determination of the composition of products of combustion are the Orsat analyzer, gas chromatograph, infrared analyzer, and flame ionization detector. Data from these devices can be used to determine the makeup of the gaseous products of combustion. Analyses are frequently reported on a “dry” basis: mole fractions are determined for all gaseous products as if no water vapor were present. Some experimental procedures give an analysis including the water vapor, however.
Since water is formed when hydrocarbon fuels are burned, the mole fraction of water vapor in the gaseous products of combustion can be significant. If the gaseous products of combustion are cooled at constant mixture pressure, the dew point temperature (Section 2.3, Ideal Gas Model) is reached when water vapor begins to condense. Corrosion of duct work, mufflers, and other metal parts can occur when water vapor in the combustion products condenses.
Oxygen is required in every combustion reaction. Pure oxygen is used only in special applications such as cutting and welding. In most combustion applications, air provides the needed oxygen. Idealizations are often used in combustion calculations involving air: (1) all components of air other than oxygen (O2) are lumped with nitrogen (N2). On a molar basis air is then considered to be 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. With this idealization the molar ratio of the nitrogen to the oxygen in combustion air is 3.76; (2) the water vapor present in air may be considered in writing the combustion equation or ignored. In the latter case the combustion air is regarded as dry; (3) additional simplicity results by regarding the nitrogen present in the combustion air as inert. However, if high-enough temperatures are attained, nitrogen can form compounds, often termed NOX, such as nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Even trace amounts of oxides of nitrogen appearing in the exhaust of internal combustion engines can be a source of air pollution.
The minimum amount of air that supplies sufficient oxygen for the complete combustion of all the combustible chemical elements is the theoretical, or stoichiometic, amount of air. In practice, the amount of air actually supplied may be greater than or less than the theoretical amount, depending on the application. The amount of air is commonly expressed as the percent of theoretical air or the percent excess (or percent deficiency) of air. The air-fuel ratio and its reciprocal the fuel-air ratio, each of which can be expressed on a mass or molar basis, are other ways that fuel-air mixtures are described. Another is the equivalence ratio: the ratio of the actual fuel-air ratio to the fuel-air ratio for complete combustion with the theoretical amount of air. The reactants form a lean mixture when the equivalence ratio is less than unity and a rich mixture when the ratio is greater than unity.

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