Energy Conservation

This section provides an understanding, at an overview level, of the steam power cycle. References were selected for the next level of study if required. There are noteworthy omissions in the section: site selection, fuel handling, civil engineering-related activities (like foundations), controls, and nuclear power.
Thermal power cycles take many forms, but the majority is fossil steam, nuclear, simple cycle gas turbine, and combined cycle. Of those listed, conventional coal-fired steam power is predominant. This is especially true in developing third-world countries that either have indigenous coal or can import coal inexpensively. These countries make up the largest new product market. A typical unit is shown in Figure 1.
The Rankin cycle is overwhelmingly the preferred cycle in the case of steam power and is discussed first.
Topping and bottoming cycles, with one exception, are rare and mentioned only for completeness.
The exception is the combined cycle, where the steam turbine cycle is a bottoming cycle. In the developed countries, there has been a move to the combined cycle because of cheap natural gas or oil. Combined cycles still use a reasonably standard steam power cycle except for the boiler. The complexity of a combined cycle is justified by the high thermal efficiency, which will soon approach 60%.
The core components of a steam power plant are boiler, turbine, condenser and feed water pump, and generator. These are covered in successive subsections.
The final subsection is an example of the layout/and contents of a modern steam power plant.
As a frame of reference for the reader, the following efficiencies/effectiveness’s are typical of modern fossil fuel steam power plants. The specific example chosen had steam conditions of 2400 psia, 1000°F main steam temperature, 1000°F reheat steam temperature: boiler thermal 92; turbine/generator thermal 44; turbine isentropic 89; generator 98.5; boiler feed water pump and turbine combined isentropic 82; condenser 85; plant overall 34 (Carnot 64).
Nuclear power stations are so singular that they are worthy of a few closing comments. Modern stations are all large, varying from 600 to 1500 MW. The steam is both low temperature and low pressure (~600 °F and ~1000 psia), compared with fossil applications, and hovers around saturation conditions or is slightly superheated. Therefore, the boiler(s), superheated equivalent (actually a combined moisture separator and reheated), and turbines are unique to this cycle. The turbine generator thermal efficiency is around 36%.

Rankin Cycle Analysis
Modern steam power plants are based on the Rankine cycle. The basic, ideal Rankine cycle is shown in Figure 2.
The ideal cycle comprises the processes from state
1-Saturated liquid from the condenser at state l is pumped isentropically (i.e.,S1=S2) to state
2 -and into the boiler.
3- Liquid is heated at constant pressure in the boiler to state 3 (saturated steam).
4-Steam expands isentropic ally (i.e.,S3=S4) through the turbine to state 4 where it enters the condenser as a wet vapor.
Constant-pressure transfer of heat in the condenser to return the steam back to state 1 (saturated liquid).

If changes in kinetic and potential energy are neglected, the total heat added to the rankine cycle can be represented by the shaded area on the T-S diagram in Figure 8.1.2, while the work done by this cycle can be represented by the crosshatching within the shaded area. The thermal efficiency of the cycle (h) is defined as the work (WNET) divided by the heat input to the cycle (QH).
The Rankine cycle is preferred over the Carnot cycle for the following reasons:
The heat transfer process in the boiler has to be at constant temperature for the Carnot cycle, whereas in the Rankine cycle it is superheated at constant pressure. Superheating the steam can be achieved in the Carnot cycle during heat addition, but the pressure has to drop to maintain constant temperature.
This means the steam is expanding in the boiler while heat added which is not a practical method.
The Carnot cycle requires that the working fluid be compressed at constant entropy to boiler pressure.
This would require taking wet steam from point 1¢ in Figure 2 and compressing it to saturated liquid condition at 2
.A pump required to compress a mixture of liquid and vapor isentropically is difficult to design and operate. In comparison, the Rankine cycle takes the saturated liquid and compresses it to boiler pressure. This is more practical and requires much less work.
The efficiency of the Rankine cycle can be increased by utilizing a number of variations to the basic cycle. One such variation is superheating the steam in the boiler. The additional work done by the cycle is shown in the crosshatched area in Figure 3.
The efficiency of the Rankine cycle can also be increased by increasing the pressure in the boiler.
However, increasing the steam generator pressure at a constant temperature will result in the excess moisture content of the steam exiting the turbine. In order to take advantage of higher steam generator pressures and keep turbine exhaust moistures at safe values, the steam is expanded to some intermediate pressure in the turbine and then reheated in the boiler. Following reheat, the steam is expanded to the cycle exhaust pressure. The reheat cycle is shown in Figure 4.
Another variation of the Rankine cycle is the regenerative cycle, which involves the use of feed water heaters. The regenerative cycle regains some of the irreversible heat lost when condensed liquid is pumped directly into the boiler by extracting steam from various points in the turbine and heating the condensed liquid with this steam in feed water heaters. Figure 5 shows the Rankine cycle with regeneration. The actual Rankine cycle is far from ideal as there are losses associated with the cycle. They include the piping losses due to friction and heat transfer, turbine losses associated with steam flow, pump losses due to friction, and condenser losses when condensate is sub cooled. The losses in the compression
(Pump) and expansion process (turbine) result in an increase in entropy. Also, there is lost energy in heat addition (boiler) and rejection (condenser) processes as they occur over a finite temperature difference.
Most modern power plants employ some variation of the basic Rankine cycle in order to improve thermal efficiency. For larger power plants, economies of scale will dictate the use of one or all of the variations listed above to improve thermal efficiency. Power plants in excess of 200,000 kW will in most cases have 300 ° F superheated steam leaving the boiler reheat, and seven to eight stages of feed water heating.

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