Mental Workload

Under such complexity it is imperative to know whether or not the mental workload of the operator is too great for safety. Human-machine systems engineers have sought to develop measures of mental workload, the idea being that as mental load increases, the risk of error increases, but presumably measurable mental load comes before actual lapse into error.
Three approaches have been developed for measuring mental workload:
1. The first and most used is the subjective rating scale, typically a ten-level category scale with descriptors for each category from no load to unbearable load.
2. The second approach is use of physiological indexes which correlate with subjective scales, including heart rate and the variability of heart rate, certain changes in the frequency spectrum of the voice, electrical resistance of the skin, diameter of the pupil of the eye, and certain changes in the evoked brain wave response to sudden sound or light stimuli.
3. The third approach is to use what is called a secondary task, an easily measurable additional task which consumes all of the operator’s attention remaining after the requirements of the primary task are satisfied. This latter technique has been used successfully in the laboratory, but has shortcomings in practice in that operators may refuse to cooperate.
Such techniques are now routinely applied to critical tasks such as aircraft landing, air traffic control, certain planned tasks for astronauts, and emergency procedures in nuclear power plants. The evidence suggests that supervisory control relieves mental load when things are going normally, but when automation fails the human operator is subjected rapidly to increased mental load.

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